
August 2008

Regretfully, the Nashville Knitting and Crochet Guild is ceasing its existence.
We will no longer meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Due to a lack of attendance at the monthly meetings, it was decided by consensus, that the Guild would disband.

There are 6+ local yarn shops serving the Nashville area with all of them having knit nights in addition to many other knit nights around town that are not LYS affiliated.

The current members agreed to meet up on an unofficial basis at the Tuesday night Nashville Meetup location, Stillwaters Cafe on Jefferson and 12th.

Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

suburbangranola said...

I am sad to hear that the guild is no longer! Just as I have found it no less! I am not a knitter or chrocheter but I was hoping to learn. I am a homeschooling mother of 5, and I would love to learn but cannot really afford to take classes and I was hoping that I would find some ladies that were willing to share their knowledge and talent with me (and maybe even some of my older girls).